Press releases:
Conflict-free thinking™
will save you
against mistakes
in life!
This resource has an integrated the «Conflict-free thinking™» Colored Blocksign System, which allows people to learn not to insult each other and to fight against the teenage worldview in adults, adolescents and children!
More infoPeople 2.0: «Do you hate being humiliated?» or «Is communication on the Internet possible without insults and conflicts?»
"It is possible, and not only in the “Internet”, but with the use of “non-conflict” means of communication .."
Humiliation - this is the main problem of man! Man by nature does not tolerate humiliation! Do you agree? .. The “Internet” of the future is a means of communication, where there should be no conflicts, as people, developing conflict-free thinking, do not insult each other, or the “Internet” will be available only to people who have reached the age of majority.
Boris Belevtsov - author and developer of "non-conflict" means of communication and «Conflict-Free Thinking™» technology.Why do people need conflict-free thinking?
1. Conflict-free thinking will help avoid family conflicts, improve the quality of relationships and reduce the number of divorces.2. Conflict-free thinking makes a person stress-resistant, which will preserve the “psyche” of himself and others.
3. Developing a conflict-free, knowing how not to accidentally offend, a person becomes more successful in a relationship.And in itself the development of thinking, that is, the development of the analytical mind, will make a person more successful in his career.To such a person there will be a good attitude, People will reach for such a person, for such a person all doors will be opened.As a result, a person with conflict-free thinking will make fewer mistakes and live a happier life!
The reason for the most humiliations - unconscious insults.
We don't understand that we insult other people!
You will be shocked when you realize how we all conflict!
The first reaction that every person who develops conflict-free thinking will face is the shock of how often we insult each other in everyday life! The cause of the majority of the humiliation of unconscious abuse. People don't understand that they insult others. Force action generates a force of resistance. Unconscious insults lead to retaliatory insults, all sorts of grudges, domestic conflicts or even a break in relations. Using the system of colored blocksigns «Conflict-Free Thinking™» in specialized, so-called "Non-conflict" means of communication users instead of retaliatory insults expose each other colored blocksigns.Colored blocksigns
Discussing the exposed block signs and causes of conflict, users learn about 20 concepts of insults, as well as whether these insults are unconscious, primary or retaliatory. As a result, in the process of "hot" discussions formed thinking that can prevent conflicts.
Skeptical people may argue that it is impossible to avoid conflict.Yes, it is impossible to absolutely avoid conflict situations, but it is possible to influence the causes of their occurrence. There are petty quarrels that do not leave a negative in a person’s soul, and it happens that they change their fate when a person who has not coped with stress, because of a small quarrel will commit a crime and, as a result, will receive a criminal sentence!
NOTE In particular, the development of conflict-free thinking is recommended for both ordinary people and people who make management decisions: businessmen, representatives of the upper and middle class, top management of large companies, politicians and civil servants, journalists and media workers.
Attention! Unconscious insults committed by you in your environment or in public are the cause of global conflicts and international warriors!
A little about «Conflict-Free Thinking™» technology
Start of development in 2015. The basis of the technology is the “conflict-free” eco-environment (a profile-segmented communication tool, including a dating service and an ad service), in which people, communicating with each other, develop conflict-free thinking. For this purpose, specialized communication tools have been developed that characterize groups of people united by a single value system or common interests. (in perspective over 320 resources!) . The development of conflict-free thinking
and the fight against the "teenage" worldview in adults!
Tasks of technology:
- improving good relationships and reducing conflicts;
- development of conflict-free thinking and the fight against the "teenage" worldview in adults.
The tools of technology:
- «Brand-selectivity» - providing users with a choice of special means of pre-developed means of communication for groups of people united by a common value system;
- «Personal socially significant registration filter» - a resource entry threshold for associating like-minded people and an entry barrier for filtering out anonymous users and non-adherents;
- «Colored blocksigns system» - development of conflict-free thinking; the fight against the "teenage" worldview in adults; user self-regulation inside the resource (standard moderation is missing or minimized!).
For many people, freedom of speech
is freedom of insults!
The problem of intersection of people with extremely opposite views
Anonymous users with bad intentions and monitoring inappropriate behavior
Users, using the system of colored blocksigns «Conflict-Free Thinking™» in each «non-conflict» means of communication, independently carry out public monitoring of inappropriate behaviousers. With this system, everyone has the opportunity to notify their environment and draw attention to serious offenses or to socially significant problems.So that adolescents do not fall under the bad influence of peers or anonymous users with bad intentions, in each «non-conflict» means of communication, a small subscription fee is specially introduced, which, when registering an account, technically filters out all anonymous users. Due to the cost-effective model completely eliminates the ability to create fake accounts, and because of the growth of personal responsibility of each user, the risks of online fraud are reduced, the risks of distribution of prohibited content, cyber-bullying attempts are reduced, juvenile suicide propaganda, recruitment to terrorist organizations, totalitarian sects and destructive cults. If, nevertheless, will be suspicious actions with regard to minors are noted, then again, using the system of colored blocksigns under the monitoring of respectable users, parents or acquaintances will be notified of what is happening, which will protect adolescents from problems, and parents from shocks.
NOTE In order to promote conflict-free thinking in society, the subscription fee will be spent on expensive advertising in the media, where each user will become a co-investor of the future conflict-free society!
Anonymous, extremists, swindlers
and other "inadequate".
Do not buy our accounts!
Author and developer warns:
"«Non-conflict» means of communication are designed exclusively for transparent and open communication, and if you are a conflicted person, anonymous with bad intentions or plan to carry out extremist or fraudulent actions, then you are not recommended to purchase an account and not recommended to register in specialized networks! Your illegal actions will become obvious to other users who, using the colored blocksigns system, will block your account without a refund and will attract the attention of the media and, worse for you, law enforcement!"Methods of development of conflict-free thinking
The development of conflict-free thinking occurs through the awareness of the essence of insults. In the system of colored blocksigns, where each color of five blocksigns corresponds to a certain group of insults, for example, a black blocksign: insult of religion, insult based on ethnic differences, insult based on physiological features, attempt to recruit to terrorist organizations, etc .; orange blocksign: insult by unclaimed value judgments, insult with demonstration of intellectual superiority, insult with arrogant-arrogant attitude, insult with “mockery”, insult with “status” (demonstration of social superiority), etc .; pink blocksign: insult of female dignity, insult with unfounded remarks, insult with non-constructive criticism, etc. Delving into the meanings of insults, in the process of communication, users begin to realize what exactly offends and why it should not be done. An adult with a “teenage” worldview
is a potentially “dishonest” person!
Conflicts due to the fact that adults have a “teenage” worldview.
To combat teenage worldview in the system of color blocksigns, there is the most important - the "green" blocksign. For example, depending on the situation, parents, acquaintances or even peers, exposing the "green" blocksigns, where more than 40 signs of a teenage worldview are determined, pointing to the behavior inherent in adolescence, automatically form the thinking of adult person. Through awareness of the signs of "adolescence" , a person is an independent growing up and ideological maturation, develops self-criticism, responsibility and adequacy, contributing to a sense of purpose. Obviously, a purposeful person will achieve greater success in life than the "child"!
Let's look at examples of why it is necessary to fight the "teenage" worldview in the process of education:
- A girl of 18 years old marries a young man of the same age. A young man with a teenage mindset. Children are born. Faced with domestic problems due to unawareness and the "immaturity" of a young man, the marriage breaks up. The young man as "child" running away from problems. As a result, abandoned children, crippled fate. If the marriage does not break up, then the family is doomed to live an unhappy life in poverty due to the lack of desire of the young man to improve the material condition, in constant household scandals, to escape from reality - alcohol in unlimited quantities, drugs and crime.
If the girl had the opportunity to immediately understand and ”read adolescence” in the guy, she would choose another, more worthy candidate, and has lived a happier life! Developing conflict-free thinking, any girl, knowing the signs of a teenage worldview, will learn to easily identify and define “teenage” in a peer and not only. Moreover, such a girl will be able to make "grow up" in the future to any man and properly raise their children;I am an adult "child" - I will not go to jail!
- A person with a “teenage” worldview is likely to go to a rash act, a crime and get a criminal sentence, than will “please” relatives;
Blogger is free to swear obscenities, or how to reduce views
- A well-known, popular and talented blogger with "teenage" worldview, swearing obscenities on the air of his channel, does not understand that, firstly, offends the neglect of the personality of his audience, and, secondly, reduces his audience and views, as such a video with socially significant or entertainment content is not recommended for viewing neither parents nor friends. If a blogger has 2-4 million views per video, which could be 10-15 million or more, which would increase his earnings by 5-6 times, respect and popularity.
Businessmen and owners, as well as management
- If you are a businessman and your partner with a “teenage” worldview, he is likely to fail you seriously by destroying your business. Your gigantic, sometimes insurmountable work on the organization of your own business, your personally invested money, perhaps the last, perhaps borrowed, your time, energy, labor, your patience, risks - and all in vain! You were let down by a “teenager” you couldn’t identify in your partner. The same applies to the situation when the owner of the company hires "management". Some board members with a "teenage" worldview make discrediting management decisions that damage the company's reputation, brand reputation and reputation for ownership.. All losses and all the negative goes to the owners!
If a politician has a teenage worldview - it is a guarantee of "hot" conflict!
- A politician with a "teenage" worldview launched a local war in 2008. People died, including own people. In the region quarreled local people for the next 25 years at least. Have the people chosen this politician, knowing that the country will be managed by a person with a “teenage” worldview? I don`t think so.
I marry an adult "child." Suddenly I'm lucky and he will not leave me!
Conflicts among football fans and martial arts fighters
In order to promote conflict-free thinking among football fans in the future, the development of "non-conflict" communication tools for more than 220 world sports clubs. And for those involved in extreme sports and, in particular, martial arts, for fighters of mixed martial arts, for connoisseurs of boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, karate, aikido, judo, etc., for all those at whom the conflict on the street can end with death of the opponent and a criminal sentence, the development of conflict-free thinking is considered obligatory in shaping the fighter's worldview. (more info It will also be possible to develop conflict-free thinking in narrowly specialized professional and entertainment media: to prevent conflicts on the roads (communication tools for motorists and motorcyclists); for aggressive rappers and rockers, for club music lovers, for professional managers, journalists and art workers.
Is it possible to avoid regrets from casual dating?
Often people worry because of lost time on relationships with people with whom it was better not to intersect in life! "Conflict-Free thinking" Technology and "non-conflict" means of communication, where each of which for internal use there is a safe service of Dating and a safe ad service, where the absence of anonymous people and people with a non-united system of values allows you to form a transparent and trusting "eco-environment" in which the probability of building relationships with unfavorable people is minimized. This solution also allows users to avoid big regrets from casual acquaintances in the future!The identification of "hypocrisy and false" in people and in relationships
It is important to warn that at first personal account holders will be distressed by the awareness of identifying a false, two-faced attitude towards themselves from others or friends. A person will, to put it mildly, be slightly disappointed with his environment. For example, will be identified: "fake" friends who do not care about you; pseudo "well-wishers" (in the eyes they say one thing, in the back another); hypocrites; people who do not share your value system; populists and "cheers" patriots. In other words, "small", cunning and insincere people who, using the trust of others, use you for their own benefit. Such people prefer to manipulate you, usually when you do not even know about it. Through the identification of such people need to safely go. The sooner a person reveals insincerity and filters out doubtful personalities from his environment, the better!Similar, not the best qualities of character have always manifested themselves at a critical moment in a person’s life, especially in extreme conditions, when people find themselves in sudden, long, life-threatening and health-threatening circumstances. For example, in hot spots among the servicemen, when a person, finding himself in combat, immediately passed the test for "hypocrisy" and others immediately became clear who he really is! To hide it, as in the peaceful life makes the majority, impossible.
In people of extreme professions: pilots, submariners, officers of power structures, etc. often have been identified is not the "best" qualities of personality, insecurity and, as a consequence, the loss of confidence of colleagues. Such people were professionally filtered out. In a peaceful life, not all people's professions are associated with the risk to life and to identify the vile is not so easy. "Non-conflict" means of communication, thanks to technology, are designed in such a way that they lay exclusively on that value system where hypocrisy will be obvious to others or similar people simply will not be in one together. This is the main essence of the technology "Conflict-Free Thinking™" - as soon as possible to identify and protect each other from dishonest people. Now there is no need to put a person in extreme conditions to arrange a test for "decency".
It is impossible to unite globally "Mankind",
imposing "unions" or "blocks" on people!
Interethnic conflicts
Any sensible person is a supporter of the global unification of Mankind! But, I believe that it is impossible to artificially unite peoples, within the framework of imposing people of different cultures, religions, languages and identity, "unions" or "blocks", as well as a single virtual space or technical solution in the field of IT! No one will ever make any concessions! This will only lead to even greater global problems and conflicts! The only thing that can unite is a common worldview. A worldview based on conflict-free thinking, and it is only thinking that can unite people of different cultures, languages, religions and identities.Since 2016, in order to promote conflict-free thinking and the prevention of interethnic conflicts, we have been working on prototyping and testing more than 70 national "non-conflict" means of communication for virtually all nations of the world, including:«Americans», «Russians», «Ukrainians», «HanChinese», «Indians», «Jews», «Englishry», «French», «Germans», «Armenians», «Azerbaijanis» and many others. The initial formation of conflict-free thinking is necessary strictly among people with the same value system, and therefore in the development of resources deliberate division on national, state, sports grounds, etc.. A good example of the effectiveness of this model was the division of states by borders. Imagine what problems there would be if there were no borders!
NOTE Only for the owners of personal accounts will have access to an internal, unifying messenger «» (chain of people with conflict-free thinking). The messenger works in every "non-conflict" means of communication. For communication of people from different ethnic groups, activation of access in the messenger will occur automatically after one year of using the system of blocksigns and achieving a total of >100 exhibited or received blocksigns. In simple words, until a person learns not to insult people, to communicate with representatives of other Nations will not!
Whether you like it or not, only Capitalism is able
to resolve all conflicts between people!
The conflict will always be where there is no border of property! Karabakh, Donbass, the Siachen Conflict, the Golan heights, etc. Man is by nature the owner, the only difference is in the amount of capital. One has a shirt and trousers worth 100 dollars, the other has companies and factories of 100 million dollars. Both the capitalists, only capitals are different. Capital is primarily a responsibility for their actions, not power, as many think! If you do not define the boundaries of the responsibility of family members, where someone and what everyone does - all in the future will quarrel! If you do not determine the boundaries of the inheritance for your children during your life, then after your death they will quarrel. If you, as a manager, do not define the boundaries of personal responsibility for the business processes in the company, then your employees will quarrel, destroying your business. Until then, until you have defined the property boundaries, no conflict (neither small not large) will not be resolved. Whether you like it or not, only "Capitalism" is able to resolve all conflicts in relationships between people! And where there is a common, or a draw, territory or property, where the border is not defined who does what, there will always be a conflict!
Build a global company
in 1000 “Everest”!
Improving relationships between people through the creation of value conflict-free thinking!
In 2019-2020 for service "non-conflict" means of communication developed on technology "Conflict-free thinking" in strategic plans creation of the international management company «One Account Products». At the moment, negotiations are being held with strategic business partners around the world. The future company should be open to society, transparent to regulators, fair to competitors, where anyone who shares the values of the future non-conflict society could take part in it. We will carefully select partners and consider only the best conditions of offers. In addition to the intentions of participation, it is important for us that future partners have specialized expertise and the best global business practices. Rich you or poor
it doesn't matter if you have a bad relationship!
Popular trends among startups in IT technologies, in healthcare, VR and AR projects are very important, but from a human perspective, an investment in human capital and human relations is more important! Whether you are rich or poor, black or white, healthy or sick, all this does not matter if you have bad relationships with others! The mission of the future company is long-term, at least for the next 10-15 years, hard work to improve relationships between people through the creation of the value of conflict-free thinking. To build a global company for the production of "non-conflict" on an industrial scale is a task comparable to 1000 times climbing of Everest, as well as promoting "conflict-free worldview" is a rarity in our time. Judging by the daily news reports, there is a lot of work to do ...
Boris Belevtsov, CEO & Founder
A detailed description of the technology and worldview can be found here:
«Conflict-free thinking™» | Мировоззрение
«Non-conflict thinking™» | Technology
Media contact information:
Contact person: b> Boris BelevtsovEmail 1:
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Conflict-free thinking™
will save you
against mistakes
in life!
This resource has an integrated the «Conflict-free thinking™» Colored Blocksign System, which allows people to learn not to insult each other and to fight against the teenage worldview in adults, adolescents and children!
More infoA list of potential media sponsors